Teaching, a Wonderful Opportunity for Personal Growth

teaching, teacher, instructor, constantin poindexter, carlyle poindexter

This was an awesome training program. Teaching is a most noble form of “paying it forward”. Pre-K through high school level, the impact that a mentor, a kind and patient guide, is immeasurable. “Teachers are the agents of the future. Will our world be populated by people ready and able to meet that future as creative and critical thinkers; as wise, compassionate and knowledgeable citizens; as skilled and motivated solutionaries within their professions? The answer to this question lies with teachers. More than any other profession, teaching has the power to create a healthy, just, and peaceful world (or not). It has the ability to seed our society with informed, caring and engaged citizens (or not). It has the capacity to inspire lifelong learning and a passion for knowledge, understanding, and innovation (or not). Is there anything more important than this?” (Zoe Weil, Common Dreams, 2011) With Zoe, I must concur.

You might choose to teach part-time, substitute or full-time, for pay or not as your conscience and need may be. Regardless, I recommend this or similar series to anyone with interest.

“Society grows when men plant trees, the shade of which they know that they will never live to enjoy.”

Charitable Love on Thanksgiving

charity, caridad, constantin, constantin poindexter, carlyle poindexter, beneficencia, thanksgiving;

There is no better time than Thanksgiving to remember that reaching out to those less fortunate is a blessing, . . . a blessing to both the receiver and the giver for there is no more pure expression of love than beneficent giving. It doesn’t have to be monetary or tangible, of oneself can be the greatest gift. A wise man believes, “give and make haste of it because the last moment may be upon YOU without you knowing so. Those that give food to the hungry, clothing to the unclothed, mentorship teaching to the less informed are numbered among the blessed.”

As we enter the holiday season it is right and a duty to think of those less fortunate than oneself. Charitable acts live LONG after the giver of charity is gone from this world.

Texas Needs Help Desperately, Winter 2021 Crisis

charity, charitable cause, constantin poindexter, donate

The State of Texas is near and dear to my heart. This week has seen the arrival of unprecedented suffering of a broad population of Texas. Already overburdened by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the winter inclement weather has left tens of thousands of families without power, running water and many with homes ruined by bursted water lines. There are MANY ways to help. I urge ALL that are economically able to contribute to the relief of our fellow citizens. As most things recently the current disaster has been politicized. It is frankly irrelevant who is to blame. There are people that point fingers, and there are people the fix problems.  I humbly and earnestly plead with you to help. The following are some links to excellent ways to help your fellow citizens.



North Texas Warming Centers

Central Texas Warming Centers

Montgomery County Warming Centers

“We are taught that Faith, Hope, and Charity are our direct link to the Celestial Father above through that “theological ladder” which Jacob, in his vision saw reaching from earth to heaven,  the greatest rung of which is Charity. Our Faith may be lost in sight, Hope ends in fruition, but Charity extends beyond the grave through the boundless realms of eternity.”

La Caridad es el Amor Manifestado

constantin poindexter, constantin poindexter charity, carlyle poindexter, surety one, surety one inc, charity, caridad;

El amor: def. nombre masculino; Sentimiento de vivo afecto e inclinación hacia una persona o cosa a la que se  le desea todo lo bueno. “el amor al prójimo; abrazó al bebé con gran amor; nunca ocultó su amor a la patria; el amor de la gloria lo llevó hasta el heroísmo”

Sentimiento de intensa atracción emocional y sexual hacia una persona con la que se desea compartir una vida en común.
“amor platónico; me gustan las canciones de amor; no puedo expresar con palabras el amor que siento por ti; le escribió una carta de amor”

La definición común, todos la sabemos, ¿pero es el amor solamente un sentimiento? Por supuesto que no. Es una acción, un comportamiento. Someto para la consideración las palabras sabias del R.H. Carlos Ayón Calderón, “la Caridad, desde es la más importante de las virtudes teologales y sobre todas las virtudes cardinales que, expresa el Amor Verdadero cuando el hombre ama a su prójimo por el amor a Dios. La Caridad (y la Misericordia, su hermana) tienen la aprobación del cielo y la tierra, que ambas bendicen tanto al que da como a aquel que la recibe.” En esto, de acuerdo estoy y recomiendo particularmente la ampliación del sentido de la palabra “Amor”. La definición común no le hace justicia a nadie, perdiendo en visto lo que quiere decir nuestro creador.

Que por medio de la escalera de Jacobo alcanzamos la salvación. Los peldaños de la escalera son fé, esperanza y caridad, el último siendo el más importante, la practica de la cual enriquece, como dijo Ayón, el/la practicate tanto como el/la recipiente.

Duke Cancer Center for Kids

constantin, constantin poindexter, constantin poindexter salcedo, carlyle poindexter;

Per Duke Pediatric Cancer, “Although pediatric cancers are less common than  adult malignancies, the impact of cancer on children and their families is nothing short of devastating. Over the past 40 years, cooperative research efforts (primarily through the Children’s Oncology Group) have resulted in dramatic increases in cure rates for most pediatric cancers. Nevertheless, substantial numbers of children with cancer still succumb to their disease, and even larger numbers of pediatric patients suffer significant long-term late effects because of the intensity of the therapies required to achieve cure. Research into the pathophysiologic mechanisms underlying pediatric tumors is essential to develop novel therapeutic approaches that will yield higher rates of cure and fewer side effects.

I humbly request that you follow my lead and give to this most worthy institution. I did and Surety One, Inc. matched. Check with your employer as it may be on a matching program as well! visit them here.

Bienvenida ~ un Poema de Mario Benedetti

constantin poindexter, carlyle poindexter, charity, caridad, amor, love

Se me ocurre que vas a llegar distinta

no exactamente más linda

ni más fuerte

ni más dócil

ni más cauta

tan solo que vas a llegar distinta

como si esta temporada de no verme

te hubiera sorprendido a vos también

quizá porque sabes

cómo te pienso y te enumero

después de todo la nostalgia existe

aunque no lloremos en los andenes fantasmales

ni sobre las almohadas de candor

ni bajo el cielo opaco

yo nostalgio

tu nostalgias

y cómo me revienta que él nostalgie

tu rostro es la vanguardia

tal vez llega primero

porque lo pinto en las paredes

con trazos invisibles y seguros

no olvides que tu rostro

me mira como pueblo

sonríe y rabia y canta

como pueblo

y eso te da una lumbre


ahora no tengo dudas

vas a llegar distinta y con señales

con nuevas

con hondura

con franqueza

sé que voy a quererte sin preguntas

sé que vas a quererme sin respuestas.

Why Charity?

constantin poindexter, carlyle poindexter, surety one, surety one, inc., suretyone.com, charity, caridad;

Its covering is no less than the clouded canopy, or starry-decked heaven, where we wish to at last to arrive, by the aid of that theological ladder which came to Jacob in a vision, he saw extending from earth to heaven; the three principal rounds of which are FAITH, HOPE, and CHARITY. The allegorical ladder admonishes us to have faith in God, hope in immortality, and charity towards all men (and women). The most important rung of the ladder is CHARITY. Faith may be lost in sight, hope ends in fruition, but charity extends beyond the grave, through the boundless realms of time.

Why is charity relevant and why is it incumbent on every able person to offer it in his or her own way? I’ll elaborate later, however for the moment I will leave this most eloquent reasoning courtesy of the General Ahiman Rezón of our Brotherhood albeit with a change or two to enhance its universal applicability. The words are not my own however the sentiment certainly is.

Charity is the brightest gem that can adorn our lives on this earth. Happy is the man  who has sowed in his breast the seeds of benevolence, the produce of which is love and peace He envieth not his neighbor. He listeneth not to a tale, when reported by slander. Revenge or malice has no place in his breast. He forgives the injuries of men and endeavors to blot them from his recollection. The objects of true charity among us are those individuals that aid and succor those persons who are incapable of extricating themselves from misfortunes in their journey through life, relief and support of those industrious individuals who by inevitable accidents and acts of providence have fallen into ruin,  widow left survivors of their husbands, by whose labors they subsisted,  orphans in tender years left naked to the world, and the elderly whose spirits are exhausted, whose arms are unbraced by time and thereby rendered unable to procure for themselves that sustenance they could accomplish in their youthful days.

From each person according to his or her capacity to the cause of charity should be a natural inclination. It is incumbent on us ALL to contribute to the relieve of those that for whatever reason find themselves in situations much less privileged than our own.

~ Constantin Poindexter, CEO of Surety One, Inc.